© Copyright Herefordshire 4x4 Response 2025
When the going gets tough…………….

News for 2022

More “up to the minute” feeds & notifications can be quickly accessed directly via our

Facebook and Twitter feeds by clicking on the appropriate icons at the top of each page,

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We will continue to add more content as resources permit…………..

Bromyard Christmas lights switch on - 19th Nov 2022 We will be offering road closure and general support to this always excellent event. Our volunteers will be there at 10:30 hrs for an initial briefing, working through until around 20:00 A long day, but always a good one! Give us a wave when you see us, it’s always good to help out with this one……. Hereford Round Table Fireworks Night - 5th Nov 2022 We have been asked to be on site standby with Responders in suitable vehicles for assisting the Round Table fireworks on the 5th of Nov. This is to facilitate any on-site providers who need traction assistance* before, during and at the close of the event as they attempt to leave the site. ( * if they’re stuck, we’ll get ‘em moving again ) Eastnor Castle - 9th Oct 2022 We supported the Relish Running Race at Eastnor Castle and provided logistics to Mid Severn Valley Raynet in the provision of Radio Comms power from our vehicles to ensure adequate communication signals provision on-site along with opportunities for us to take our 4x4’s over parts of the Land Rover Experience track. A discreet bit of caring - early Oct 2022 Responder Mike; Hotel Echo three seven, made a lovely gesture of kindness that didn’t happen quite as quietly as he intended. St. Michaels’ Hospice social media tracked him down! Thank you and well done Mike, you sum up just the sort of people we are. Read more by clicking here. HE 4x4 Responder Radio Comms Training - 1st Oct 2022 14 of us attended a dedicated training session to improve our use of Zello Radios. Topics included the use of the phonetic alphabet, radio etiquette and how to communicate with Controllers and other Responders whilst on active “shouts”. This was followed by Sarsys App training, (our dedicated call-out system), and how we should accept tasks and the correct procedures for booking on & off etc. “Over” Gloucestershire Vintage & Country Extravaganza - 5th to 7th August 2022 Our attendance was requested to supplement with car parking support, with the provision of mobile observance level marshalling patrols for improved security to protect equipment and exhibition vehicles on-site. This is a great event where we shall be pleased to be supporting our colleagues in Gloucestershire & Worcestershire 4x4 Response. Much Marcle Steam Rally - 23rd July 2022 The organisers requested that we attend the rally to offer our vehicles and driving skills to assist with car park logistics, general site marshalling and any other appropriate event support duties as directed. We shall be delighted to come along.

Venus Walk - 15th July 2022

We have again been asked by St. Michael’s Hospice to support their Venus midnight walk event on Friday night/Sat morning 15th/16th July. We shall be assisting with marshalling the route in and around Hereford City from around 8:30 pm until 2am to ensure everyones safety. Have fun ladies! 2000 Trees Festival - 7th-9th July 2022 We are providing a 4 wheel drive vehicle and experienced driver(s) to support the festival. This includes logistical support with regard to the bands and equipment, vehicle escort duties, marshalling and general safety & crowd control. This is a new role for us, and our involvement is planned to take place over the course of the 3 full days of the event. Sounds like a good one! Eastnor Castle - 19th June 2022 We shall be attending a fun day out at Eastnor Castle in Ledbury for the “Eastnor SOS 2022” with displays from some of our partner service personnel providing our local emergency services. We shall be there explaining what we do, alongside the Police, Mountain Rescue and other emergency services. This is a lovely family friendly event. Come along and have a chat, we would love to see you…….

The (Final !?) Paint Runner - Sat 18th June 2022

We plan to be assisting (is that the right word?) for what is destined to be the last ever Paint Runner to support our good friends at St. Michaels Hospice. The event will take place at the King George V Playing Fields in Hereford, just next to the swimming pool. This is always good fun and we will do our best to contribute in whatever way we can to make the day a success.

Bromyard Speed Festival - 29th May 2022

It will be good to be back assisting with this tremendously popular event for Bromyard. Our Responders will be helping wherever we are directed by the organisers with general marshalling duties, assisting with the convoy of vehicles, and generally looking after attendee safety. We are looking forward to being out and about again amongst the public in delightful Bromyard, and hope we all have a tremendous day with good weather, and a great atmosphere; it doesn’t usually disappoint!

Run Hereford - 8th May 2022

We turned out for early car parking organisation and subsequent marshalling duties for this St. Michaels Hospice event, with welcome additional support from our neighbours at Gloucestershire & Worcestershire 4X4 Response Always a great day; the weather was ideal with a wonderful atmosphere. Well done runners; a good day out.

Local Election Referendum Standby - 7th March 2022

Herefordshire County Council requested us to be on standby for collection of ballot boxes in Bridstow & Tarrington, following a Neighbourhood Planning Referendum, should we have been required on the night - we weren’t needed to respond as the weather was all fine, but we were pleased to oblige…..

Christmas Tree Collection & Disposal - 6th to 15th Jan 2022

Several of our Responders collected Christmas trees to help raise funds for St Michael's Hospice. We spent 94 man hours collecting over 312 trees, covering 757 miles for the annual re-cycling/responsible disposal on behalf of St. Michael’s Hospice over 3 days of scheduled collections. We were pleased to offer our support to help this wonderful organisation. Many thanks to the Al Fresco Grill in Bookers car park, Hereford HR1 1HU for their support in keeping us stocked up with hot drinks whenever we turned up - cheers girls, just the ticket and much appreciated !


which was

© Copyright Herefordshire 4x4 Response 2025

News for


More “up to the

minute” feeds &

notifications can

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accessed directly

via our Facebook

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appropriate icons

at the top of

each page, or by

using these links


We will continue to add more

content as resources


Bromyard Christmas lights switch on - 19th Nov 2022 We will be offering road closure and general support to this always excellent event. Our volunteers will be there at 10:30 hrs for an initial briefing, working through until around 20:00 A long day, but always a good one! Give us a wave when you see us, it’s always good to help out with this one……. Hereford Round Table Fireworks Night - 5th Nov 2022 We have been asked to be on site standby with Responders in suitable vehicles for assisting the Round Table fireworks on the 5th of Nov. This is to facilitate any on-site providers who need traction assistance* before, during and at the close of the event as they attempt to leave the site. ( * if they’re stuck, we’ll get ‘em moving again ) Eastnor Castle - 9th Oct 2022 We supported the Relish Running Race at Eastnor Castle and provided logistics to Mid Severn Valley Raynet in the provision of Radio Comms power from our vehicles to ensure adequate communication signals provision on-site along with opportunities for us to take our 4x4’s over parts of the Land Rover Experience track. A discreet bit of caring - early Oct 2022 Responder Mike; Hotel Echo three seven, made a lovely gesture of kindness that didn’t happen quite as quietly as he intended. St. Michaels’ Hospice social media tracked him down! Thank you and well done Mike, you sum up just the sort of people we are. Read more by clicking here. HE 4x4 Responder Radio Comms Training - 1st Oct 2022 14 of us attended a dedicated training session to improve our use of Zello Radios. Topics included the use of the phonetic alphabet, radio etiquette and how to communicate with Controllers and other Responders whilst on active “shouts”. This was followed by Sarsys App training, (our dedicated call- out system), and how we should accept tasks and the correct procedures for booking on & off etc. “Over” Gloucestershire Vintage & Country Extravaganza - 5th to 7th August 2022 Our attendance was requested to supplement with car parking support, with the provision of mobile observance level marshalling patrols for improved security to protect equipment and exhibition vehicles on-site. This is a great event where we shall be pleased to be supporting our colleagues in Gloucestershire & Worcestershire 4x4 Response. Much Marcle Steam Rally - 23rd July 2022 The organisers requested that we attend the rally to offer our vehicles and driving skills to assist with car park logistics, general site marshalling and any other appropriate event support duties as directed. We shall be delighted to come along.

Venus Walk -

15th July 2022

We have again been asked by St. Michael’s Hospice to support their Venus midnight walk event on Friday night/Sat morning 15th/16th July. We shall be assisting with marshalling the route in and around Hereford City from around 8:30 pm until 2am to ensure everyones safety. Have fun ladies! 2000 Trees Festival - 7th- 9th July 2022 We are providing a 4 wheel drive vehicle and experienced driver(s) to support the festival. This includes logistical support with regard to the bands and equipment, vehicle escort duties, marshalling and general safety & crowd control. This is a new role for us, and our involvement is planned to take place over the course of the 3 full days of the event. Sounds like a good one! Eastnor Castle - 19th June 2022 We shall be attending a fun day out at Eastnor Castle in Ledbury for the “Eastnor SOS 2022” with displays from some of our partner service personnel providing our local emergency services. We shall be there explaining what we do, alongside the Police, Mountain Rescue and other emergency services. This is a lovely family friendly event. Come along and have a chat, we would love to see you…….

The (Final !?)

Paint Runner -

Sat 18th June


We plan to be assisting (is that the right word?) for what is destined to be the last ever Paint Runner to support our good friends at St. Michaels Hospice. The event will take place at the King George V Playing Fields in Hereford, just next to the swimming pool. This is always good fun and we will do our best to contribute in whatever way we can to make the day a success.

Bromyard Speed

Festival - 29th

May 2022

It will be good to be back assisting with this tremendously popular event for Bromyard. Our Responders will be helping wherever we are directed by the organisers with general marshalling duties, assisting with the convoy of vehicles, and generally looking after attendee safety. We are looking forward to being out and about again amongst the public in delightful Bromyard, and hope we all have a tremendous day with good weather, and a great atmosphere; it doesn’t usually disappoint!

Run Hereford -

8th May 2022

We turned out for early car parking organisation and subsequent marshalling duties for this St. Michaels Hospice event, with welcome additional support from our neighbours at Gloucestershire & Worcestershire 4X4 Response Always a great day; the weather was ideal with a wonderful atmosphere. Well done runners; a good day out.

Local Election


Standby - 7th

March 2022

Herefordshire County Council requested us to be on standby for collection of ballot boxes in Bridstow & Tarrington, following a Neighbourhood Planning Referendum, should we have been required on the night - we weren’t needed to respond as the weather was all fine, but we were pleased to oblige…..

Christmas Tree

Collection &

Disposal - 6th to

15th Jan 2022

Several of our Responders collected Christmas trees to help raise funds for St Michael's Hospice. We spent 94 man hours collecting over 312 trees, covering 757 miles for the annual re-cycling/responsible disposal on behalf of St. Michael’s Hospice over 3 days of scheduled collections. We were pleased to offer our support to help this wonderful organisation. Many thanks to the Al Fresco Grill in Bookers car park, Hereford HR1 1HU for their support in keeping us stocked up with hot drinks whenever we turned up - cheers girls, just the ticket and much appreciated !